Friday, December 16, 2011

Stork News!

Alright! We are looking to have TWO litters being born in 2012. Daisy is due around January 27th and Hannah is due around February 10th. So exciting to have another litter from Daisy and I am over the moon excited to see Hannah's first litter. They are all going to be beautiful. I am really curious to see what the babies Jude and Hannah produce. She is almost solid black and he is white and silver. So pretty! I know every puppy that Daisy and Jude have together looks completely unique and they have a great variety of colors. Again so pretty! I will post pregger pictures of my sweet girls as they start waddling about.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Pups All Grown Up :)

Max dob: 12/15/2010
Loving the country life  in Jasper, AL

Buddy Boo dob: 12/15/2010
Enjoying life in Birmingham, AL

Zoe dob: 7/21/2011
Living in the lap of luxery in Hoover, AL

Bear dob: 7/21/2011
Pampered Pooch in Hoover, AL

Another Picture of Simon
Rooting for Auburn (our only Auburn pup thus far!)

Simon dob 7/21/2011
Traveling with Mom from OH to AL to TN!

Monday, August 1, 2011

First Litter in 2011 - Parents Daisy and Jude

Born July 21st, 2011

The puppy w/ the solid saddle on the back is male, and called Simmons. The puppy with the dark spots is also male and called, go-go. The blond is female and the princess. :) Two of these guys were taken on day 6. Today they are 11 days old today and growing so much! Watching to see when they open their eyes which should be any day now. : o )

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Random shots of my babies

Our First Litter Born 12/15/2010 Max and Buddy Boo

This last photo is on the day Max went to his new home. He is now a member of the Brown family in Jasper, AL. Buddy Boo the other little boy from this litter was adopted by  my in-laws and is doted on constantly. He resides in the Greystone area of Birmingham with my in-laws, John and Linda Mills.

Hannah Doll Morrison

Hannah is our newest family member. She is a flirt and a Miss Sassy Pants! I was able to keep this bow in her hair for basically just enough time to take her picture but then it was out. Eventually I am going to figure out how to keep the dang thing in her and Daisy's hair!

Miss Daisy Morrison

This photo was taken of Daisy with her second litter July 21st, 2011. She is one on time gal! She delivered her pups on her due date while I was at work. She is a great mommy and super sweet little girl. She loves to play and is quite the sweetheart. Daisy prances around to get your attention and is vocal if you don't pay her attention. She is a ball of energy and loves chasing Jude and Hannah from one side of our home to the other. Daisy and my other 2 shih tzus are AKC registered.

Saint Jude Morrison

This is Saint Jude Morrison. He is a sweet laid back boy and even with this really bad hair cut (whoops! I really got too close this time!) he is a doll. He is the leader of our three shih tzus here. Jude was born gold and white but now he is more silver and white really. I am going to grow his hair out and see what we get with him! He has beautiful hair so it is not too hard to manage longer. He is our "stud" and so far we have had beautiful puppies using him as the dad.